Course Overview

Our seven-week course meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. via Microsoft Teams. The content is not available on demand and participants must be available during these times. The final session, on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2024, will be in person.

The course consists of a pre-test, two-hour live online classes each week, homework after each session, a final project, a post-test, and surveys. Upon completion of the course, each participant will graduate and become a certified alumni of the Neighborhood Planning Academy.

October 9, 2024

Session 1: History, Present, and Future of Prince George’s County

This session will provide a history of the County and review the structure of today’s county government. This session is critical to establish a strong foundation for participants to navigate subsequent lessons. Senior management will be guest speakers.

October 16, 2024

Session 2: Planning 101

This session will provide a broad overview of the national history of planning and zoning and a focused investigation of local planning. Students will learn more about the roles of planners and residents in planning, how planning is implemented in the County, and the legal framework for planning in Maryland.

October 23, 2024

Session 3: PGAtlas/Development Activitiy Monitoring

Participants will be provided with an overview of PGAtlas, a key tool used to understand the built environment and community landscape of Prince George’s County.

October 30, 2024

Session 4: Development Process in Prince George's County

How does a real estate development project go from concept to construction? This workshop will provide an overview of how projects are planned, reviewed, developed, funded and completed, with an emphasis on the role of residents and planners in the development process.

November 6, 2024

Session 5: Building Healthy, Sustainable, and Resilient Communities

What role do planners and residents have in ensuring public health, access to green space, clean air and water, energy security, and other important requirements for a healthy community? What strategies are planners and residents using here and elsewhere to prepare for a sustainable future? This session will explore the connections between environment, economy, and equity.

November 13, 2024

Session 6: Multimodal Transportation and Street Safety

This session will focus on the complex challenges of providing safe and efficient ways for Prince George’s County residents to get to their various destinations regardless of whether they choose to walk, bike, drive, or take public transportation. Guest speakers will introduce the role of transportation planners and highlight recent efforts to increase safety in Prince George’s County.

November 20, 2024

Session 7: Final Project Presentations & Graduation (in person, location TBD)

During each session, participants will complete exercises that support a better understanding of their own neighborhoods. At the in-person graduation ceremony, participants will present their findings based on a topic of their choosing.

Ready to join us?